Stressed About The Holidays? CBD May Be The Answer
Whether you’re dealing with difficult relatives, shipping delays, or a never-ending to-do list, CBD can help calm your mind and ease your stress, so you can simply be present and enjoy the moment. Read on for four perfect moments to take CBD during the holidays.
1. Enjoy a CBD preroll after a long day of work...

Whether you just need to take a walk and get some air or you are looking for a way to unwind after a long festivity-filled day, bring along some green.
CBD prerolls will not get you high. You may just feel a release of tension and stress when you take a puff. If there is any pain in your body, you may experience some relief. And if your mind is running a million miles a minute, you may finally get some peace. That means when you get back from your walk, you can go straight back to whatever you were doing without any mental impairment.
2. When you find out that gift you ordered two months early isn’t going to make it in time...

Back in October you made a list, checked it twice, stuffed your virtual shopping cart full of gifts, and patted yourself on the back for a job well done (“just call me Santa Claus”). But today you got an email, announcing that the just-right gift you found for your impossible-to-shop-for sister-in-law is delayed. Until February. Take a deep breath—and then take some CBD. Within minutes, you’ll feel less frantic, less annoyed, and be able to see the situation for what it is: something that’s not only out of your control but also not the end of the world. Maybe you won’t win Sister-in-Law-of-the-Year with your gifting prowess, but let’s be real: She probably won’t notice the difference between the super-thoughtful gift you wanted to get her and the cheese-of-the-month subscription you had to get her.
3. When you can’t sleep because you have a growing credit card bill, a gathering to host, and 23 presents to wrap...

You know you need sleep, but every time you lay your head on the pillow, you start thinking about the groceries you still need to buy for your Cookies & Cocoa Party, the 500-holiday cards that still need addressing, the end-of-year work project you still need to finish, and the great aunt you still need a present for.
A little CBD before bed can help quiet your mind and stop your racing thoughts. Unlike drinking a glass of wine or turning on a Hallmark movie, CBD can actually help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. You’ll wake up feeling rested, refreshed, and ready to tackle your to-do list.
4. Take a Soak...

It sounds juvenile (only kids take tubs, right?), but the ritual of a tub can be one of the most wonderful and rewarding ways to recover. Warm water, aromatic oils, and some calming music create the ultimate chill session. Throw in a CBD Bath Bomb and you take it to another level. Soak for at least 30 minutes to reap the mental and physical benefits of this much-needed you time.
To our health and high vibrations ~
With love always,