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Self-care Sunday…Treat yo self??? Rituals? But what does it all mean?


While everyone has their own views of what constitutes self-care, I like this definition from PsycheCentral: “Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health.”

But what does it mean to truly “care” for your “self”? What am I supposed to actually do?

Personally, being a career driven mother to a 5th grader doesn’t leave much time for self. Between school drop offs, playdates, still trying to stay sexy for my boyfriend, cooking healthy, walking the dog, Pilates, and oh yea…. keeping up with that deadly laundry pile!!

This is the primary problem with self-care: for many, it becomes just another task to squeeze into your schedule. In a society that encourages people to feel productive every moment of the day, it’s a cruel Catch-22: in trying to take care of yourself, you end up feeling guilty--or even more stressed out!


Rituals are a way to celebrate life and inspire our days with meaning…. Now, hear us out—when we say “ritual,” we don’t mean casting spells or chanting underneath the moon. (Though if that's your jam...) “Rituals are intentions that you turn into actions,”. A routine is made up of those things we do every day. A ritual, however, is how we break up the monotony, create joy in the ordinary and nourish our souls.

Developing a self-care ritual is one of the best ways to support the soul and uplift the spirit. When life gets busy and we neglect self-care, it has a negative ripple effect – less energy, diminished confidence, increased stress – the list goes on.

Rituals can simply be things that make you feel good. They amplify the energy of your intentions by keeping your vibration high. They are important because if you are low vibe, you will attract the same low vibe stuff that doesn’t really serve you. Rituals help you to raise your frequency + shift back into the flow + connection with your higher self. This keeps your vibration high + your manifesting magnet charged


Need an Example??? Try this activity below!!

Grab a pencil and pen~ preferably not a phone LOL

List 5-10 things that you love to do that raise your vibration, fill you with excited energy + get you ready to take action? {examples: dancing, singing, skating, making art, meditation, yoga, etc...}

Here is a list of my things:

1. Yoga

2. Cooking

3. Long bath

4. Listening to music

5. Making crafts

6. Crystal meditation

7. Walking outside with my dog

Now circle the top three things that sound the most exciting today + go do at least one of them. Make time each morning to do things from this list. Mix + match them to create a custom vibe raising ritual for yourself that you can do throughout the day if you start to feel tired + need an energy boost!

-to health and high vibrations!

With love always

LC ❤️



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